Like the Willow Tree, we help our patients adapt, grow and withstand difficult situations, while discovering together their unique strengths.
The Willow Centre was founded in 1999 by Dr. Rex Collins, a Registered Psychologist, and a graduate of the Toronto Child Psychoanalytic Program (now Canadian Institute for Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy or CICAPP). The goal was to create a collaborative, team-based centre where children and families could receive comprehensive psychological assessments and psychotherapy. The Willow Centre has continued to grow and now consists of a group of skilled Psychologists and Psychotherapists who have the expertise to work with infants/toddlers and their parents, children, adolescents, couples, and individual adults. The guiding principles of the centre have always been that working and learning together as a team and taking the time to better understand the nature of the presenting problems our clients bring to us, aids us in developing the best assessment and treatment approaches that will address their unique needs.
Working Together to Help Your Child’s Emotional, Social, & Educational Well-Being. We offer in-person therapy, with the option of virtual sessions if appropriate.
Consultation is an important aspect of the work we do here at The Willow Centre. We have often found it possible to help children through ongoing work with their parents/caregivers.
Psychological Assessment is a process of testing that uses a combination of techniques to help arrive at some hypotheses about a person and their behavior, personality and capabilities.
The team at The Willow Centre is prepared to provide Psychotherapy to address a wide range of problems and difficulties experienced by infants, children and adolescents and adults.
- Dr. Holloway’s article on digital media and child/adolescent therapy sessions published in Psychoanalytic Study of the Child journal. (6/3/2021) - Dr. Robin Holloway has recently had an article on the pros and cons of working with children and adolescents virtually, published in the prestigious Psychoanalytic Study of the Child. Congratulations, Robin!
- 20 Years of the Willow Centre (1/27/2020) - On October 15th, 2019, The Willow Centre celebrated its 20th Anniversary. Below are some remarks presented by Dr Rex Collins. Welcome. 20 years of The Willow Centre. Wow! I think it was also around twenty years ago that I attended
- How Anxiety Leads to Disruptive Behavior (5/16/2018) - Caroline Miller from the Child Mind Institute has written a good article for parents and teachers about how Anxiety Leads to Behaviours. An excerpt: Anxiety manifests in a surprising variety of ways in part because it is based on a
Q & A
- Remorseless Anger
My seven-year-old son got in trouble for invading a classmate’s personal space. His teacher dealt with the problem on the spot, but, like me, is puzzled over my son’s lack of remorse. He’s never acted this way before.